The purpose of the CUN.NEWS (CommUnity Network News) channel is to provide accurate, focused news on issues and event that directly impact the people of our community, promote community events, support community organizations, and provide cost-effective advertising for the small business that serve our community. As an “eNews service” we provide local news via our website, www.CUN.News , social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well as Digital Signage Screens located through our community.

We offer free advertising of events for schools, city government services, and community non-profit organizations as well as cost-effective advertising plans for small businesses, regardless of their size, that serve our community. You can reach us via email at or by phone at 512-466-1448.

Our position on “news”

Facts not opinion

We believe that if a news source is biased left or right, they are not a true source of news. Biased media sources simply are telling only one side of a story or substituting opinions as facts to meet a narrative. CUN.NEWS is an unbiased, apolitical news source so we do not take sides or publish only news that supports one side of an issue, we present to you the facts as clearly as possible so you can make up your own mind. We do not try to sell a viewpoint, manipulate or mislead you, or make the facts on an issue so confusing you just give up and accept our point of view. Our reporting is designed to empower our readers with the knowledge and facts they need to understand a problem and make up their own minds.

Accurate reporting

When we receive information, we weed out any misinformation, and if we are not able to verify the information, we don’t report it at all. At CUN.NEWS our philosophy is that it is more important to report true information then mislead our readers for the sake of being the first to report it or get more clicks!

The problem with Social Media

Social media monitors what you look at and only shows you what their paying clients want you to know. Their sites are designed to market ideas or products by telling what you want to hear and are not required to be truthful. There is a reason that there are no awards or recognitions are given for “honesty” in social media. They are not designed to be a true source of news. CUN.NEWS uses social media to alert you to news stories, events, and emergencies, not to market a point of view.

We are accountable to the community we serve

At this time 90% of the news sources in the area are owned by large publishing corporations whose management is not accountable to you or our CommUnity. CUN.NEWS is a locally owned, community-based business small business. We are accountable to you and our CommUnity.

CUN.NEWS Round Rock a beta site. It is an “eNews Service” that is being developed to fill the void in cities and towns who need a local CommUnity news source that is focused on the CommUnity it serves. Current plans are to franchise our eNews Service to other growing communities and to add multiple language eNews Channels in those communities as well. If you are interested in setting up a CUN.NEWS eService or an alternate language eNews Service in your community you can contact us for details.

Additional services to come

We have just added a free email Alert subscription service which sends one email a day with a brief description of all the latest news stories and alerts that have been added to the eNews site in the previous 24 hours to keep you informed on what is happening in our CommUnity. Shortly we will be adding a Podcast service, Text News Alert service, and monthly newsletter service.

We do not sell your information!

All information such as email addresses, phone numbers, and what stories you have read is private. We do not require you to accept cookies or enter your addresses or phone numbers unless you are requesting a subscription service. Any information you share with CUN.NEWS is kept confidential and not sold or shared with any other parties. Our Facebook page and Instagram are tracked by Facebook and you are subject to their rules and collection practices.

For additional information, you can contact us at 512-466-1448 or email us at